Certified through the National Association of Search and Rescue (NASAR), the team K9s can find lost and missing persons using different methods and tools: tracking/trailing, area searching, and human remains detection.

All of the team K9s are scent discriminating, meaning they search only for the specific person they have been asked to find; how they find that person depends on the dog. Some of our K9s search using trailing, which precisely as it sounds, means they put their noses to the ground and follow the trail of the lost person. Other K9s are air scenting, using wind currents and tracking the scent in the air, working off-lead, and often covering a much larger physical area. Many of our K9s are certified in human remains detection (HRD) to identify bones and cremated remains, including submerged and buried remains. The team K9s regularly practice searching for human remains during training, using cadaver remains hidden at surface level, elevated, and buried. The hard work done by both K9 and handler is challenging but essential in helping to provide closure to loved ones.

Incredibly hard working, the K9s will work for hours to earn their reward, a rubber ball for most, more exciting than food, treats, and belly rubs. While the K9s are working dogs, more importantly, they are members of their handler’s family and can frequently be found enjoying a nap on the couch after a Saturday morning training. Our K9s are cherished teammates, family members, and our 4-legged heroes.

Angel 2


Birthdate: July 17, 2022

Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer

Certifications: SARTECH III Trailing, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Patty Baxter

Favorite Toy: Any toy her sister, Halo, is playing with at the moment

Fun Fact: Angel did her first 100-foot long "blind" trail at just three months

Ayk 2


Birthdate: March 10, 2014

Breed: Kleiner Münsterländer

Certifications: SARTECH II Area, SARTECH HRD Land, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Brenda Veitch

Bailey 2


Birthdate: October 19, 2018

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Certifications: SARTECH I Area, SARTECH HRD Land, SARTECH HRD Still Water, Canine Article Search, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Keith Lonnquist

Favorite Toy: Bailey lives for retrieving, so any ball or frisbee (or stick or pinecone or...) in your hand is now her favorite toy

Fun Fact: Bailey will sit impatiently and stare at you until you throw her ball. She wins the staredown contest every time.

Boomer 2


Birthdate: August 20, 2022

Breed: Redbone Coonhound

Certifications: In Training

Handler: Tom Spencer

Favorite Toy: Kong Squeez Barbell

Fun Fact: Red Fox Hounds from England and Bloodhounds were crossed in 1840 to create Redbone Coonhounds

Hannah 2


Birthdate: October 27, 2020

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Certifications: SARTECH II Area, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Carrie Lumsden

Favorite Toy: She always has something in her mouth! Ball, bone, rope, stuffy!

Fun Fact: She “steals” an article from her subject when she has a find

Hunter 2


Birthdate: July 17, 2010

Breed: Kleiner Münsterländer

Certifications: SARTECH I Area, SARTECH III Trailing, SARTECH HRD Land, SARTECH HRD Still Water, SARTECH HRD Swift Water, Canine Article Search, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Kim Veitch

Ranger 2


Birthdate: August 17, 2020

Breed: Lab/Hound Mix

Certifications: SARTECH III Trailing, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Kyle Green

Favorite Toy: Ball is life

Fun Fact: Ranger is an "uh oh" puppy. He was adopted from his handler's sister's rescue after a trip home for Christmas.

Roux 2


Birthdate: March 18, 2022

Breed: Fox Red Labrador Retriever

Certifications: SARTECH II Area, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Holly Bradbury

Favorite Toy: Anything she can get her mouth on, but if she had to choose one it would probably be her squeaky pink pig

Fun Fact: Roux pounces like a cat when fetching her toys

Family Ties: Roux and Saxby are cousins (their moms are full sisters)



Birthdate: March 22, 2019

Breed: Fox Red Labrador Retriever

Certifications: SARTECH I Area, SARTECH III Trailing, SARTECH HRD Land, SARTECH HRD Still Water, SARTECH HRD Swift Water, Canine Article Search, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Jay Christianson

Favorite Toy: Stuffed Chainsaw

Fun Fact: Saxby is named for the henchman, Bert Saxby, in the James Bond movie Diamonds Are Forever

Family Ties: Saxby and Roux are cousins (their moms are full sisters)

Sora 2


Birthdate: January 28, 2021

Breed: Bloodhound from ALIE Foundation

Certifications: SARTECH I Trailing, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Betty Spencer

Fun Fact: Sora loves to play with chew toys and will eat any treat

Tor 2


Birthdate: April 10, 2018

Breed: White German Shepherd

Certifications: SARTECH II Area, AKC Canine Good Citizen

Handler: Matt Ferguson

Favorite Toy: Landfill Pig

Fun Fact: Tor is smarter than his handler

Watson 2


Birthdate: April 14, 2022

Breed: Kleiner Münsterländer

Certifications: In Training

Handler: Kim Veitch




2013 - 2024



2011 - 2024



2019 - 2022



2006 - 2021



2013 - 2021



2007 - 2019